Justin Trudeau Repeats Allegations Against India, Gives No Evidence

Justin Trudeau Repeats Allegations Against India, Gives No Evidence

New York, September 20, 2023

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Thursday repeated his allegations that Indian government agents were involved in the killing of a Canadian citizen on Canadian soil, but provided no evidence to support his claims.

In a press conference at Canada's Permanent Mission to the United Nations in New York, Justin Trudeau reiterated his concerns regarding the 2018 murder of Hardeep Singh Nijjar, a Canadian citizen and Sikh separatist leader, who was shot and killed in Surrey, British Columbia. Trudeau claimed that there were credible reasons to believe that agents of the Government of India were involved in this tragic incident.

The Indian Government's Denial

However, it's important to note that the Indian government has vehemently denied any involvement in Nijjar's death, labeling Canada's allegations as "baseless and unfounded." To date, Canada has not shared any specific information with India regarding these allegations nor provided any evidence to substantiate its claims.

Strained Relations

Trudeau's assertions come at a time when relations between India and Canada have already been strained. India has recently taken several retaliatory measures against Canada, including suspending visa services and reducing the number of Canadian diplomats within the country.

The Unanswered Questions

The question that looms large in the wake of Trudeau's allegations is what Canada hopes to achieve by making these accusations against India without providing any concrete evidence. In a time when diplomacy and cooperation are more crucial than ever, such claims have only served to further damage relations between the two nations.

In conclusion, the allegations made by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau regarding India's involvement in the murder of a Canadian citizen remain unsubstantiated. The lack of evidence and the denial by the Indian government raise significant doubts about the veracity of these claims. It is essential for both countries to engage in open and transparent dialogue to address any concerns and work towards improving bilateral relations.


  1. What evidence does Canada have to support its allegations against India? Canada has not provided any specific evidence to support its claims of Indian government involvement in the murder of Hardeep Singh Nijjar.

  2. Has India responded to these allegations by Canada? Yes, India has vehemently denied any involvement and has labeled the allegations as "baseless and unfounded."

  3. How have these allegations affected relations between India and Canada? The allegations have strained relations between the two countries, leading to retaliatory measures taken by India, including the suspension of visa services and a reduction in the number of Canadian diplomats in India.

  4. Is there any ongoing investigation into the murder of Hardeep Singh Nijjar? The details of any ongoing investigation into the murder have not been disclosed in the provided information.

  5. What is the significance of making such allegations without evidence in international diplomacy? Making allegations without concrete evidence can damage diplomatic relations and hinder cooperation between nations. It is essential to base such claims on verifiable facts and engage in constructive dialogue to resolve disputes.


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