The Revival of Vikram and Pragyan: A Test of ISRO's Ingenuity

The Revival of Vikram and Pragyan: A Test of ISRO's Ingenuity

In the world of space exploration, India's Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has been making headlines with its ambitious missions. One such mission, Chandrayaan-3, has been garnering attention as ISRO attempts to revive the Vikram lander and the Pragyan rover after they entered sleep mode nearly two weeks ago. In this article, we will delve into the details of this exciting development, exploring the automatic revival process and the challenges that lie ahead.

Chandrayaan-3: A Brief Overview

Before we dive into the revival process, let's take a moment to understand the context. Chandrayaan-3 is the follow-up mission to Chandrayaan-2, which was launched in July 2019. While Chandrayaan-2 achieved partial success, with the orbiter successfully entering lunar orbit, the lander's unfortunate crash on the lunar surface left room for improvement.

The Sleep Mode

On September 4 and September 2, 2023, the Vikram lander and the Pragyan rover, respectively, were put into sleep mode. This strategic decision was made in anticipation of the lunar night setting in on Earth's only natural satellite. During the lunar night, temperatures drop dramatically, posing a significant challenge for the spacecraft's survival.  ISRO scientist

The Automatic Revival Process

Nilesh M Desai, the Director of the Space Applications Centre (SAC), shed light on the revival process. He stated that the revival is automatic and cannot be controlled from Earth. This means that ISRO engineers and scientists are relying on the ingenuity of the spacecraft itself to awaken from its slumber.

Desai further explained that the crucial moment for the revival would be when the solar-powered lander and rover receive sunlight after the lunar night. This event occurred on September 22, 2023. It is at this point that signals from Vikram and Pragyan are expected.

The 50-50 Chance

While the automatic revival process is a testament to ISRO's engineering prowess, it comes with its own set of uncertainties. Desai acknowledged that there is a 50-50 chance of success. This uncertainty hinges on whether the delicate electronic components of the spacecraft survived the extreme cold of the lunar night.

However, even if the revival proves unsuccessful, Desai emphasized that the mission has already achieved its primary objectives. The data collected and lessons learned during the mission will undoubtedly contribute to future endeavors.

Chandrayaan-3's Goals

The Chandrayaan-3 mission, scheduled for launch in June 2023, carries the same goals as its predecessor. It aims to land on the lunar South Pole and conduct a series of scientific experiments. The success of this mission would be a testament to ISRO's commitment to pushing the boundaries of space exploration.

The revival of the Vikram lander and the Pragyan rover from Chandrayaan-3 represents a remarkable chapter in India's space exploration journey. It showcases ISRO's determination to overcome challenges and its ability to design and operate complex spacecraft in the harshest of environments. As we eagerly await signals from the lunar surface, the world watches with anticipation, hoping for the triumphant return of Vikram and Pragyan.


  1. What is the significance of Chandrayaan-3's mission? Chandrayaan-3's mission aims to demonstrate ISRO's capabilities in lunar exploration by landing on the lunar South Pole and conducting scientific experiments.

  2. How long is the lunar night, and why is it challenging for the spacecraft? The lunar night lasts for approximately two Earth weeks, during which temperatures drop drastically. This poses a challenge for spacecraft designed to operate in extreme conditions.

  3. What happens if the revival of Vikram and Pragyan is unsuccessful? Even if the revival is unsuccessful, the mission has already achieved its primary objectives, contributing valuable data and insights for future missions.

  4. When was Chandrayaan-2 launched, and what were its outcomes? Chandrayaan-2 was launched in July 2019. While it successfully placed the orbiter in lunar orbit, the lander experienced a crash landing on the lunar surface.

  5. What is the role of the Space Applications Centre (SAC) in Chandrayaan-3's mission? SAC plays a crucial role in overseeing and managing the technical aspects of the mission, including the revival process of Vikram and Pragyan.


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