‘Hirkani Kaksh’ made mandatory in all commercial and private buildings - Hindustan Times

The introduction of the Hirkani Kaksh rooms law in Maharashtra is a significant and progressive move aimed at supporting working mothers and creating a more inclusive and supportive environment for them and their children. The law mandates the inclusion of dedicated spaces within new buildings to accommodate the needs of lactating mothers and mothers with young children, ensuring they have suitable areas for nursing, changing, and child play while being integrated into the workforce.

The law's potential impact is multifaceted:

  1. Support for Working Mothers: By providing a dedicated space for lactating mothers, the law acknowledges and accommodates the needs of working mothers, enabling them to balance work and childcare responsibilities more effectively.

  2. Reducing Stigma: Creating spaces specifically designed for breastfeeding and childcare helps in reducing the stigma associated with breastfeeding in public, allowing mothers to nurse their children comfortably and without judgment.

  3. Encouraging Female Workforce Participation: The provision of these rooms is expected to encourage more women to join or rejoin the workforce, promoting gender equality and economic empowerment.

  4. Child-Friendly Environment: Establishing child-friendly areas within buildings will create a more accommodating environment for young children, fostering their well-being and development.

  5. Improving Health and Well-being: Ensuring proper facilities for breastfeeding and childcare can contribute to the better health and well-being of both mothers and their children.

The law's influence extends beyond social aspects and is likely to impact the economy positively as well. By encouraging more women to participate in the workforce, it can enhance overall productivity and contribute to economic growth.

However, there are concerns raised by developers regarding the cost implications of implementing and maintaining these rooms. Balancing the regulatory requirements with the financial impact on construction and maintenance is a challenge that will need to be navigated to ensure feasibility and compliance.

In conclusion, the Hirkani Kaksh rooms law in Maharashtra represents a significant and positive step towards creating a more supportive and inclusive environment for working mothers. Despite challenges, the potential benefits for women, children, society, and the economy make it a commendable initiative that could serve as a model for similar policies in other regions or countries.


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