Kejriwal's Strong Support for Reinstating the Old Pension Scheme: A Turning Point for Government Employees

Kejriwal's Strong Support for Reinstating the Old Pension Scheme: A Turning Point for Government Employees

In a significant development, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has voiced his unwavering support for the demands of central and state government employees to bring back the old pension scheme (OPS). This move comes as a beacon of hope for government workers who have long been advocating for the reinstatement of this scheme.

The Battle for Pension: OPS vs. NPS

Before delving into Kejriwal's support, let's understand the essence of the issue. The OPS, which guaranteed a fixed pension based on the last drawn salary, was replaced by the New Pension Scheme (NPS) in 2004. The NPS, in contrast, operates as a market-linked scheme, subjecting employees' retirement funds to market fluctuations.

Government Employees' Unyielding Protest

For years, government employees have been fervently protesting against the NPS, emphasizing the need to return to the OPS. Their concerns are multi-fold. Firstly, they argue that the NPS is fraught with financial risks, leading to inadequate returns on their investments. Secondly, they contend that it is inherently unfair to those who retire early, as it fails to provide them with a full pension.  demands pension scheme

The Government's Stand

In response, the government has defended the NPS, asserting that it is a more sustainable scheme in the long run. However, the surging demand for the OPS has begun to exert significant pressure on the government.

Kejriwal's Resolute Support

Arvind Kejriwal's endorsement of the OPS comes at a critical juncture. Notably, Punjab has already implemented the OPS, and Delhi Chief Minister Kejriwal has written to the Centre, urging them to consider adopting the OPS for Delhi government employees. This gesture has the potential to usher in a new era for government employees, offering them a more secure and predictable retirement plan.

Ripple Effect Across States

Kejriwal's advocacy for the OPS is not an isolated case. Several states, including Rajasthan and Chhattisgarh, have already announced their plans to reintroduce the OPS. Moreover, states like Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, and Jharkhand are actively contemplating a similar shift.

The Road Ahead

The future remains uncertain as to whether the government will heed the clamor of government employees and reinstate the OPS nationwide. Nonetheless, Kejriwal's unwavering support for the OPS marks a significant turning point in this ongoing saga. His backing is expected to mount additional pressure on the government to reconsider its stance.

In conclusion, Arvind Kejriwal's expression of strong support for reinstating the old pension scheme is a glimmer of hope for government employees who have long yearned for the security and stability that the OPS provides. As the battle for the OPS continues, government workers across the country are watching closely, hopeful for a positive resolution to their pension predicament.


  1. What is the OPS, and how does it differ from the NPS?

    • The OPS, or Old Pension Scheme, guarantees a fixed pension based on the last drawn salary, providing stability to government employees. In contrast, the NPS, or New Pension Scheme, is a market-linked scheme subject to market fluctuations, which can be risky for retirees.
  2. Why are government employees protesting against the NPS?

    • Government employees are protesting against the NPS due to concerns about financial risk and inadequate returns on their investments. They also believe it is unfair to those who retire early.
  3. Which states have already implemented or are considering the OPS?

    • States like Punjab, Rajasthan, and Chhattisgarh have either implemented or announced plans to reintroduce the OPS. Other states like Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, and Jharkhand are also contemplating the shift.
  4. What is the government's stance on the NPS?

    • The government defends the NPS, arguing that it is a more sustainable scheme in the long run. However, the growing demand for the OPS is putting pressure on the government to reconsider.
  5. How significant is Kejriwal's support for the OPS?

    • Kejriwal's support for the OPS is significant as it adds momentum to the movement and increases pressure on the government to revisit its stance on pension schemes for government employees.

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